Saturday, January 29, 2011

Little Cooper takes center stage!

All the larger dogs today were just enchanted by the little black pug Cooper, who they soon discovered could give as good as he got! Chasing and being chased are his two favorite games, and this little guy has so much energy that even on a "normal" weekday he goes in with the medium rollers.

Bella the Boxer turned out to be Cooper's best bud. In the afternoon, when a little energy had been burned off already, they spent ages neckfighting and taking turns submitting and rolling over.

I know that Grant mentioned this a couple of days ago, but I think it's neat enough to post again. ;-) Check out the AKC's list of the most popular breeds in America! You can also see a list of the Top 5 breeds in Seattle. (I guess Tacoma isn't quite big enough for a list of its own quite yet).

I found an update on the rehabilitation of Michael Vick's dogs. It's nice to have some good news from that story for a change!


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